Monday, November 19, 2007

Nigerian kids are smarter than Brits!

This is not a job opening but you guys need to read this

"ARE AFRICANS REALLY daft? A poll of 11- to 16-year-olds in 10 countries, conducted by the British Council, has come up with interesting findings that put Professor Watson’s theory to shame. British schoolchildren are at the bottom of the class when it comes to international awareness, according to the study, that polled children from Brazil, Nigeria and Britain, among others.

Given a ranking on a score of one to seven after answering a series of questions, UK children scored just under 2.19. Next to the bottom were American teenagers with a ranking of 2.2 and surprise, surprise, Nigeria was at the top of the class with 5.15. British Council chief executive Martin Davidson asked, “How can our children afford to fall behind the rest of the world?” Tell that to the DNA professor. "

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